Looking for expert pressure washing services in Sevenoaks? At Kent Cleaning Group, we provide high-quality exterior cleaning to restore and protect your property. Whether it’s a driveway, patio, decking, or roof, our advanced pressure washing techniques remove dirt, moss, algae, and stains, leaving surfaces spotless.
We understand the unique cleaning challenges in Sevenoaks
Safe for your family, pets, and the environment.
Removes tough stains, grime, and organic buildup.
Our cleaning process extends the life of your surfaces.
No hidden fees, just honest, upfront quotes.
Sevenoaks is a historic town in Kent, known for its beautiful landscapes, charming high street, and landmarks like Knole Park and Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve. With a mix of residential and commercial properties, keeping exteriors clean is essential for homeowners and businesses alike. Our expert pressure washing services help maintain the beauty and longevity of properties across the town.
The UK climate leads to damp conditions, causing moss and algae growth. Regular cleaning prevents buildup and potential damage.
Driveways, patios, and walkways stay in top condition with routine pressure washing.
A clean exterior enhances curb appeal, whether for your home or business.
We offer a comprehensive range of pressure washing solutions tailored to both residential and commercial properties, including:
Remove dirt, moss, and oil stains for a spotless entrance.
Restore the beauty of your patio by eliminating grime, algae, and lichen.
Safely clean and restore wooden and composite decking.
Get rid of moss, algae, and dirt for a spotless roof.
Clean exterior walls, brickwork, and render for a fresh look.
Safely clean wooden or composite decking and fences to prolong lifespan.
Keep walkways safe, clean, and inviting.
Clear debris to prevent blockages and water damage.
Remove dirt and grime to maintain your exterior.
Refresh brick, stone, and cladding surfaces.
Deep clean and sanitise play areas.
Restore outdoor furniture to its best condition.
Maintain sports surfaces with expert pressure washing.
Clean car parks, warehouses, and industrial spaces.
Remove unwanted graffiti for a clean appearance.
Restore your property with expert pressure washing from Kent Cleaning Group. Safe, eco-friendly, and effective cleaning for driveways, patios, and more.